Stefan Falk describes the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
Introduction to Intrinsic Motivation: Part 1
Stefan describes what Intrinsic Motivation is and why it is so important.
Why are you feeling stressed and dissatisfied with your work?
Because we are lazy and energy-conserving creatures, we often stop challenging ourselves and instead log out intellectually when we think we know how to perform a task.When this happens, you risk engaging too much in what I call activity-focused behavior. This means that you start performing your tasks mostly by habit. You work the same […]
To be intrinsically motivated you need to make challenging yourself second nature
Professionals who are intrinsically motivated are the superstars in any organization. They… Intrinsically motivated people enjoy a virtuous cycle with more control over their situation, which leads to less stress and pain under pressure. This in turn helps them achieve better results and enjoy greater rewards, which over time, given their evident mastery, yields bigger […]
What causes burnout? Uncertainty. Here’s what to do about it.
Social media sites are aflame with discussion of “quiet quitting” — that is, burned out employees doing the minimum possible to meet their job requirements. It’s a natural reaction to overwork. But is overwork really the ultimate cause of burnout? I have worked with many professionals and managers who suffer from burnout. In virtually every […]
Daily Journaling is the Key to Continuous Improvement
Getting better as a manager takes discipline. While the idea of keeping a diary of your work life may seem strange, it’s actually central to establishing how you can improve — provided that you do it the right way. As the works of the philosopher John Dewey suggest, we do not learn from experience; we […]